The very first assembly of employees of the Institute of Plant Molecular Biology, Biology Centre CAS was held in Biograf Kotva, Lidická 2110, České Budějovice on Monday 22 May 2023 09:00-17:30. Finally, 62 people joined the conference. It was a unique and breaking event. For the first time in the institute’s twenty-two-year history, (1) all group leaders presented achievements and visions of their research groups at one spot at the same time (only Radek Litvín refused to present research group of photosynthesis); (2) IPMB employees got an overview information about all research activities at the institute; and (3) IPMB employees met members of the newly established IPMB International Advisory Board. https://ipmb2023.bc.cas.cz/
08:30-09:00 registration
09:00-09:10 Michael Wrzaczek & Jiří Friml: Welcoming, introduction of IPMB IAB
09:10-09:20 Josef Špak: IPMB 1990-2022. Development of plant research in CB
09:20-09:40 Michael Wrzaczek: IPMB 2020-2022-2027. Achievements & Visions
09:40-10:20 Jiří Macas: Molecular Cytogenetics
10:20-11:00 Hendrik Küpper: Plant Biophysics and Biochemistry
11:00-12:00 lunch in restaurant Šnyt u Malše, Lidická 9
12:00-12:40 Ondřej Lenz: Plant Virology
12:40-13:20 Iva Mozgová: Plant Epigenetics
13:20-14:00 Michael Wrzaczek: Plant Molecular Signaling
14:00-14:40 coffee break in Kafe Okolo
14:40-15:20 Martin Janda (JU): Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions
15:20-16:00 Tomáš Polívka (JU): Centre of Photosynthetic Research
16:00-16:40 David Bína: Photosynthesis
16:40-17:20 Pavlína Vogelová (National Museum Prague): Hommage á Jan Calábek
17:20-17:30 Michael Wrzaczek & Jiří Friml: Closing remarks
The conference was dedicated to Jan Calábek (1903-1992) a Czech scientist, botanist, teacher, filmmaker and innovator. He was one of the pioneers of scientific cinematography (e.g. Étienne-Jules Marey, Lucien Bull, Jean Painlevé, Wilhelm Pfeffer, Gotthard Wolf). His timelapse method of filming the micro-life of plants earned him international recognition. This year we commemorate the 120th anniversary of Jan Calábek’s birth. Three unique short scientific documentaries “Plant and Light” (1950), “Growth and Movemenet” (1967), and “Effect of Gibberelin on Plant Growth” (1961) were shown on the cinema screen.
Download leaflets in PDF.
Photos: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Biology Centre CAS, Jakub Hardt; Plant Molecular Biology Conference 2023, Biograf Kotva, 22 May 2023